Thks for that and its not for visual it for astrophotography. Astromania Stereo Bino Viewer with Two 32mm Plossl Eyepicecs-allow you to adapt two eyepieces to your telescope and view with both eyes simultaneously. Multicoated Vs Fully Multicoated Could you help me to know the correct backfocus I need to have right correction and reducer factor of 6.3? Celestron Reducer Lens .7x - EdgeHD 1400 . Back-focus: 95 mm (55 mm with spacer and M48 ring installed) Add filters to the Esprit Focal Reducer with the built-in 2" filter cell. 2,240 talking about this. Celestron; Dobsonians; Reflectors; Refractors; Antares 125 05x focal reducer for telescope fr1 . This combination f/6.3 focal reducer/corrector lens reduces the focal ratio of all Celestron 5" through 14" Schmidt-Cassegrain telescopes, as well as all Meade 8" through 16" SCTs . camera sensor) at the recommended distance away from … Reg. The female end attaches to the rear cell of the telescope. Optec brings you a reducer for your corrected SCT. BBC Sky at Night Magazine The Celestron EdgeHD 800 .7X Focal Reducer features a custom 4-element optical design engineered to maintain the flat-field performance of the EdgeHD optics. The … Celestron 8 - 24mm Zoom Eyepiece 1.25" £85.00. Entdecken Sie über 30 unserer besten Verwandte Suche, Ranking-schlüssel wörter auf, darunter die meistverkauften Verwandte Suche, Ranking-schlüssel wörter-Marken. Add to cart. This superb fully multi-coated multi-element focal reducer takes advantage of the latest computer aided design techniques to achieve the highest standards of performance set by the brand leaders at a fraction of the cost. Account. My application is mostly visual now, but I'm looking to do more astrophotography over time. ディスカバリーチャンネルの映像プラットフォーム「dplay」の中で、アラスカのポーキュパイン・クリークで金を掘る男たちのドキュメンタリー「goldrush」が公開されている。 I have a Celestron C90 Maksutov-Cassagranian spotting scope that I use for looking at the moon and planets, and I have photographed the moon through it. Info I've found online are very confusing :-(Sorry for my terrible english :-) Vittorio This “speeds up” the optical train by reducing the focal length and magnification of the scope, requiring less time to integrate the same signal. Starizona HyperStar This report summarizes the results of testing using a large variety of different focal reducers with a Primary and secondary mirror do not have such extreme focal ratio and moderate radii. This focal reducer and field flattener consists of a four-element multicoated 40mm lens in a metal cell. I have a 0.63 focal reducer/corrector that fixes spherical aberrations along the edge of the field of view and also makes the instrument faster- f/6.3 and focal length then becomes 2560mm (1280*2) with the 4/3 camera. The Reducer/Corrector is f/6.3 for C5, C6, C8, C9¼ and C11 telescopes and f/7 … Focal Reducer for SCT - ACF - Getting Started With Imaging Antares .7X … Celestron’s new EdgeHD reducers feature a custom 5 element optical design engineered to maintain the flat-field performance of our award winning EdgeHD optical system. ZOZOTOWN Sky Instruments(Antares) Your price: $119.00. If you have any questions about my testing, please feel free to contact me. Antares 125 05x focal reducer for telescope fr1 Reducer Lens .7x - EdgeHD 925. I wish there was. These 0.63x focal reducers were originally designed to optimize for an image circle to match 36mm x 24mm film or its digital equivalent for astrophotography.
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